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It was unforgettable on January 30, 2019. I had been suffering from my own chronic diseases and coldness in those days. But just on that day, my condition was relatively good so that I could decide to begin searching Protestant churches. As for the reason why I stuck to Protestant churches, maybe it's related to my study of the Puritan Revolution in the past.Anyway, while searching many churches without any goal, I found 'Lifehouse Tokyo' by chance.
Since I closed my trading company because of my diseases, I'd never spoken English to anybody for around eleven years. (Since then, maybe I'd been suffering from something mental, apart from my real physical diseases.) 'LifehouseTokyo'is a biligual church.That's why I decided to try attending this church on the spot, I feel so now.
As soon as I decided so, I tried to attend the chapel on January 30(begining time/19:15).Then, after singing worshipping songs with a band all together, regarding the way of their preaching ,it's like that first of all, an Australian pastor partly preaches in English, and soon after that, another pastor translates the part into Japanese. Repeating its pattern, they went ahead with their preaches. And finally, all of us prayed God several things, in Jesus' name. It was really a nice exrerience for me.Then I felt this kind of chapel may mentally grow myself in my way of life. Just after ending the chapel, some people friendly talked to me, and I could have greetings with several pastors. It reminded me of my past life time when I'd lived feeling a fellowdhip with some people one another.Just as I explained my diseases to several people, they prayed God for me to be healed, putting their one hands on my shoulders seriously. I remember then I was really happy feeling their kindness enough.
A little before on my back home, at the exit of the hall, I found one lady delivering "New Testament Bible" for nothing. Then, although I hesitated receiving it a little bit (as I thought the Bible is very precious and actually its volume is more than 400 pages), I dared to get it. As a result,I've come to get 'religious devotion' for the first time ever in my life. Now I really thank the chance itself and the Lifehouse's staff.(Notes: In case of receiving the Bible, you need to present your name and address in advance.)
Looking back upon then, I'm sure then I'd been in conditions of rock-bottom both physically and mentally, I couldn't work for anything enough against my will, suffering from my diseases. Maybe then, I just wanted to rely on whatever anything strong, I think so. Now I feel that"lifehouse Tokyo"is something like 'rescue organization'for me.(Sorry, but during this pandemic, now I don't know still whether the free delivery of the Bible is posible or not.Pleaseconfirm itdirectly to Lifehouse.)
Then from the next day, I began reading "New Testament Bible". First of all, I read both of English and Japanese chapters one after the other. And after all, I could finish three or four chapters each, everyday. While reading it seriously, I'd come to find myself gerting deep into the contents gradually.As a result,since I began reading the Bible on January 31, 2019, I finished it on May 4, 2019. As for my impression then, even I who had no religious devotion, could smoothly understand its contents. Especially I was really impressed at every truth by Jesus' teachings that seemed to be right logically and ethically. Frankly speaking, just after finishing it, I really thought I maybe able to lead my remaining life with happiness, if only I can live following Jesus' teachings completely. And just then, I made up my mind to believe all of his teachings continually from then on... It's very simple, but actually was the beginning of my faithful life.
While my reading the New Testament, my views of life and death has changed naturally and gradually.For Christian, the end of the world on earth is just the beginning of 'eternal life' in heaven. Now I who can think so from the bottom of my heart, am supremely happy! Joy got by going to heaven with an eternal life is much better for me, than fearing death on earth. Maybe I think, only those who finished up the Bible will be able to understand this kind of sense.
Now I've begun my fourth reading of the New Testament.(Almost every publication I read is different.) Whichever bible I read, its contents are really proper, I felt so then. And whenever I'm living following the teachings obediently, I can curiously feel 'peace' in my heart. Now most of us have suffered from 'pandemic', 'conflicts', 'famine', 'natural disasters','racism' and so on, worldwide. Just in times of 'uncertainty' and 'difficulty', we really need "faith to God" as greatest power to make our selves stronger and healthier both mentally and physically, I'm sure so.
Although 30 years have passed since I fought two kinds of bad collagen diseases, but now I have lived peaceful days through, with God and Jesus. Whenever my condition is no good or I feel something uneasy, I pray God my desires to remove them on the spot right then. Recently, somehow I've come to feel my heart peaceful, soon after praying God something seriously. Recently I feel like I've gradually deepened my faith to God up to now. Actually if we believe in God's presence and Jesus' teachings completely and live just following them obediently, we can deepen our faith to God absolutely, I think so.
If you have any uneasiness or disorder both mentally and physically, I confidently recomend you read the New Testament Bible once at least.('Lifehouse Tokyo' to which I belong, gives out their self-published Bible free of charge.) I pray for God for you to find somrthing like your origin of point through the New Testament Bible. (In case of receiving the bible, you need to register your name and address, and so on.)
Finally, if you agree at all the teachings in the Bible, I recommend you to enter your favorite church by all means. For example, our church, 'Lifehouse Tokyo' is ready for some meeting places called 'Connect Group' that is open to deepen and confirm our faith to God with each other as well as worship service and preaching by pastors. For Christians, 'fellowship' is very important for deepening our bond and togehterness. Now unfortunately, in this coronavirus pandemic, at the moment, all the events should be held in on-line style only. But I'm really sure that these two hours on Sundays wwould be very meaningful times for you, so please feel free to join us! (August 27'21)
📙November 8’24
"I will just follow the teachings of the Word."
Hello, this is Mimo, the editor. Recently, the cold in the morning and evening has become unbearable. I started to sleep with a blanket and duvet. Let's pay clse attention to what we wear and be careful not to catch a cold for each other!
It's been more than three months since I started going to "Koinonia Christian Church" every Sunday. Fortunately, I'm now able to share the joyful time with everyone, and I'm very healed actually!
I will continue to attend this church and deepen myfellowship with everyone.
Well, now looking back on this year, a lot of things happened in Japan. Starting from the big earthquake in Noto Peninshula, the adverse effects of abnormal weather(abnormally high temperatures, querrilla torrential rains, etc.) caused by global warning(farm crop failures, house collapses, ets.), and in evreryday life, "unstoppable high prices during the recession" and "frauds and and assaults targeting the homes the elderly, etc.), I feel like it was a year when negative news stood out obviously.
When we look at the world, dark news such as the "endless war in Ukraine and the wars and conflicts between Israel and Middle Eastern countries", "the negative impacts of global high proces on countries", and "catastrophe disasters for countries caused by abnormal weather" stand out.
In the meantime, Ishiba government was recently born in Japan, but it has become a weak government that cannot secure a majority of the ruling party to pass the bill. On the other hand, in the United States, Trump returned to the presidency with an unexpected victory.
In any case, the world situation is now taking a step forward in confusion. Only God knows whether we can walk towards a new path of hope from now on, or whether we will repeat the same bitter experiences as in the past.
Our goal is to receive "eternal life" from God. However, it is not in this world, it is in heaven. That's why, as long as we live in this world, it's necessary for us to follow God's words and always do good.
Also from now on, let's work together to spread the gospel so that as many people as possible can be saved and go up to heaven!
"So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good."
(1 Peter / NIV)
(written on Dec. 5'24)
✝1:My Latest Affairs on November 11'24
Actually, There are still some problems caused by my chronic diseases, but in addition, since the end of lsast month, newly I'm suffering from swelling and pain in the big toe of my left foot. The right edge of the nail of the thumb of my left foot was stuck into the skin and it hurt, so I went to see a dermatologist, and the left edge was cut in half on the spot, without anesthesia. To be honest, it was very painful💀↓。
Now the pain is almost gone, but the wound and pain at the tip are still there, so I'm applying my own medicine in the morning and evening and watching the situation while treating it. In some cases, I may need to go to the hospital also from now on.
On the other hand, since the end of August, I've been getting used to the worship of "Coinonia Christian Church" every Sunday, and I'm spending healing time with everyone. I'm just grateful to God!
From now on, after fully considering the condition of my body, as I have received the permission of "work for half a day", I will do my best to aim for it.
Amyway, now I can't do manual labor, and the work I can do is limitted, so for the time being, I'm going to look for a job that I can work, mainly for office work using a computor.
Support me, please!
(written on December 7'24)
✝2:Some of My Journals
◆Matthew:7-7 on June 4'20 : (NLT) (No.31)
Keep on asking, and you will rceive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
"I feel like I lost some of my wills in the corona pandemic."
As I've been suffering fromm two kinds of diseases related to basic immune system disorders, I'll never be allowed to catch Covid-19. But when I read above paragraphs, I felt like I'm somehow indulgent to myself, putting all the causes of losing my wills for the corona pandemic only. Now I noticed I need to keep on asking, seeking, finding and opening the door of something suitable for me to do positively, through Jesus' teachings.
◆John:16&33(latter half) on October 14'22 : (NLT)(No.32)
"You haven't done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive and you will have abundant joy."
"Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
Until just 3 years and 9 months ago, "praying in the name of Jesus" was something I didn't think about. However, since I started repeating it every day, every time I touch this passage in the Bible, it may be because we are now living in the end-times with varrious tensions, but my heart is really healed!
(written on December 8'24)
✝3:A Little Bit From Worldly Viewpoints (November 23'24)
■Governments in developed nations have been unable to stop plunging fertility rates.
(from New York Times・Weekly on November 17'24)
In 1989, Japan seemed to be an unstoppable economic super power. But at home, the government had identified a looming, slow-motion crisis: The fertility rate had fallen to a record low. Policymakers called it the "1.57 shock," citing the projected average number of children that women would have in their childbearing years.
Now the rest of the developed world is looking more and like Japan. According to a report issued in 2019 by the United Nations Population Fund, half of the world's population lives in countries where the fertility rate has fallen below the "replacement rate" of 2.1 births per woman.
At a global level, there is no shortage of people. But low birthrates can lead to problems in individual countries.
In South Korea, which has the lowest birthrate in the world at 0.72 children per woman, just over a million babies were born in 1970. Last year, 230,000 were. It is obviously too simple to say that each person born in 2023 will, in their prime working years, have to support four retired people. But in the absence of large-scale immigration, the matter will be extremely difficult to organize and deal with the Korean society.
Similar concerns arise from Italy to the United States. Immigration could be a straightforward antidote, but in many of the countries with declining birthrates, accepting large numbers of immigrants has become politically toxic.
East Asia and North America, many governments are, like Japan, introducing measures like paid paretal leave, child care subsidies and direct cash tranfers. According to the U.N. the number of countries deliberately targeting birthrates rose from 19 in 1980to 55 by 2015.
In East Asia, many countries with low fertility imposed it on themselves. For more than three decades, China enforced a one child policy. After World War Ⅱ, Japan encouraged the wide use of contraception and decriminalized abortion in an effort to shrink the population. Likewise, in South Korea, the government regalized abortion in the early 1970s and discouraged families from having more than two children.
In Europe and the United States, fertility rates declined as more women entered the work force and the influence of religion receded. Young people, who started to leave to the communities where they were raised to pursue careers, had fewer children as they started childbearing later.
Lower birthrates signify progress.Declining infant mortality rates reduced the need to have many children. As economies transitioned away from agricultural or family-owned businesses that required offspring to run, people focused on leisure and other aspirations. Women could now pursue career goals and personal fulfillment beyond raising children.
But the impediments to having multiple children have also grown. Housing costs are ballooning and the gig economy has made young people worry about their own ― and their potential offspring's ― financial security.
"We are at the place where having children is really a matter of pure joy and a preference where you kind of have to pay for and make some sacrifices in terms of your leisure and career advancement."Dr.Tan in Singapore said.
In China, intrusive efforts by the authoritarian government to encourage childbearing have generated a backlash. In democratic countries, policies with a whiff of a mandate likely engender fierce opposition, too. The truth is that a decision as momentous as whether to have have children rarely come down to mere economics or who will change the diapers.
"For most people people in affluent countries, having children is deeply personal, touching on their values, what kinds of communities they want to be part of, and how they view the future.
(My Prayer)
The Father, my God in heaven,
I was able to greet the morning joyfully as well, today.
This is also due to your guidance.
I really thank you for loving me.
I sincerely pray for the glory and development of your kingdom.
Now, with the global recession and high prices, the problem of low birthrate in developed countries is becoming more serious. It is obvious that with the development of medicine and the aging population , the burden on young people will increase in the future.
Dear God, so that the world economy will improve, young families in developed countries will be able to actively have children without any excessive burden, and people in need, refugees, and people suffering from diseases around the world will live a peaceful life full of love under health, please lead them that way. Please give them such power.
I sincerely ask for this prayer, in the name of the Lord and Jesus Christ,
(written on December 11'24)
☕4:Break Time on August 10'24
This year, Japan began with the Great Noto Earthquake on New Year's Day, and heavy rain damage and so on. And even if we look around the world, such as the war in Ukraine and the war between Israel and Palestine,unfortunately it's been a yeau dark news stands out.
In the meantime, it was Shohei Otani of the Los Angels Dodgers who healed me.
He played active rolls as a batter in the first year of his transfer, leading the team to the champion of the World Series. As a batter, he won the National League home run king, the RBI title and MVP. The main major league records that Otani has broken in this season are as follows;
(1) home run at 190 km/h
(2) 3 hits of more than 185 km/h
(3) 50 home runs & 50 stolen bases
(4) conssecutive MVP across the league
(5) 6 hits & 5 long hits & 3 home runs & 2 stolen bases & 10 RBIs per game
(6) 15 times of "home run & stolen base per game" through season
(7) "multi-homr runs & multi stolen basess recorded 5 times per season
(8) "Power Speed Number" 56.9 is the first in history
(9) Successfully stolen more than 50 bases, and the success rate is 93.7%, it's the first place in history.
Anyway, really I was healed by Otani's great performance. It's really amazing to win the World Series in the first year of transfer. Next season will be the season for the revival of two rolls of both "pitcher and butter". Along with the team's consecutive championships, I'd like to him to aim for his MVP for three consecutive years and the Cy Young Award", which is the highest honor for pitchers. Many critics say, "He might be able to do it."
Everyone, let's support him togetheragain next year!!
(written on December 12'24)
✝5:Editor's Notes
Excuse me Also this time, due to various physical problems, the upload of this site was significantly delayed from the original schedule.
As mentioned above, this year has been a fluid and symbolic year in many aspects, but what kind of year was it for everyone? As for me, I feel like it was a very busy both physically and mentally. I think the number one factor is, after all, "moving in March".
Fortunately, now I'm able to spend a much more calm time. Next year, I'd like to somehow heal my body and make it a year to challenge various things.
Thank you for visiting this site this year.I look forward to your continued support next year.
Merry Chritmass! And let's live a godly life together again next year!!
I'd appreciate it if you could give me your opinions and impressions by clicking the following "here" position.
(written on December 13'24)
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